
Yummy food made for kids.
For a good cause.
Get in touch
kid sharing a snow cone
kid making a cotton candy

Hey 👋
I'm Lucas

Thanks for visiting my store. I’m 6 years old with French Canadian, Filipino and Spanish background.

I love to share my preloved toys and clothes so I can buy new ones. I'm also an active fundraiser, donating my profits to some of my favorite charities. I'm passionate about helping kids around the world so when I donate to charities, I know it's for a good cause. I'm eager to help others and this is a great way to do it!<3

Jujutsu fundraiser

To all coffee lovers, I am fundraising for a trip to the jujutsu convention in Quebec. Your support would be greatly appreciated and help me expand my knowledge of this wonderful martial art. Your generosity will contribute to not only my own growth within the art, but to the growth of the wider jujutsu community.

I thank you wholeheartedly for your kind consideration of my cause.

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Lucas with his family
kid making a cotton candy

Preloved toys & clothes

I'm selling my Preloved Toys and Preloved Clothes at a fraction of a price to raise money to donate to national food bank.

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Ready to make your first order?

Clariza, mom